


The Pleiadians (the Plejarans) as revealed to Billy Eduard Meier are human like Extraterrestrial beings who originate from a world known as Erra, one of the 10 planets orbiting the star Taygeta, located in the Pleiades (or the Seven Sisters). The Pleiades can be found in the constellation of Taurus, the bull.

They are about 400 light years away from us. They are humans of flesh and blood like us. They have blonde hair, fair skin, and blue eyes. They wish to help us with enlightenment and spiritual wisdom of oneness. They want to try and steer us away from our destructive habits and prepare us for Ascension to a multidimensional existence truly awakening the infinite creative potential within !

Pleiadians are light beings from the 9th dimension.

The Pleiadians are Extraterrestrial beings from the Pleiades star system. Some have made the journey to earth to help us evolve to a higher dimension. These Pleiadians are so spiritually evolved that they no longer require a physical body.

They are beings of light energy. The Pleiadians seem to communicate with certain earthlings who they say are part of the family of light. This communication is accomplished by telepathy, and channeling. I think I may have found another method they use which I call synocracist research.

Other than James Gilliland, The two most notable Contactees are Barbara Marciniak and Billy Meier. Marciniak an internationally known trance channel from North Carolina. She has sold over 280,000 copies of her channeled book “Bringers of the Dawn”. She says the Pleiadians are beings of light.

Meier has said to have made physical contact with several Pleiadians who looked like humans.  It is indicative that the human form might be one of the ways the Pleiadians chose to make peaceful contact with us.   One of Meier's contacts was a woman called Semjase (in a pic on the right).  During several visits she allowed him to take pictures of her “Beamship”.

Another Pleiadian contactee was a woman called Asket (on the left), with whom Meier was contacting for several years.

This beamship allowed Semjase to travel the 500 light years to earth in 7 hours. The Pleiadians can move into “hyperspace” and convert themselves and their ships into fine matter particles that can travel faster than the speed of light.

Meier has taken over 1000 of the clearest UFO photographs ever seen. Meier has also related some very advanced knowledge he claims they, passed on to him. Meier has a 5th grade education and he has notes about such advanced technology as the Pleiadian's tachyon drive propulsion system. This was in the 70’s before the Internet. Meier does not live near any major information centers.

Meier produced a number of photographs which he said were of Pleiadian Beamships, as well as sketches that he said were of Pleiadians themselves. Meier's Pleiadeans were said to be spiritual and in touch with nature, and they became a component of the New Age movement during the 1970s, where they were depicted as being a peace loving race of Space Brothers which was said to be warning contactees that humanity was heading towards self destruction, and offering them alternative philosophies to avert such an eventuality.

Incredible UFO footage taken by Billy Meier and analyzed by Michael Horn.

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