

Read the whole article here: It’s The Bankers Or Us

"It is well that the people of the nation do not
understand our banking and monetary system,
for if they did, I believe
there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning."  
-Henry Ford


Alex Jones explains how the austerity hammer is falling now on Europe, and will soon fall on the U.S. Fresh bailouts and buyouts by foreign banks are being forced on Ireland and other European nations, while officials in the United States are dropping news on Americans that pensions, insurance for veteran military personnel and more are being taken away.

The IMF and World Bank have essentially completed their phase I mission of absorbing and dominating 3rd World nations, and are now coming for so-called 1st World Nations-- the United States, Canada, UK, Europe and more.

IMF and EU put Ireland on tight leash

'Irish paying for debt created by bankers'

Central bank takes center stage in EU debt crisis

Irish Republic banks 'for sale'

Terms of Enslavement; Irish Citizens Say "Default"; Agreement Violates EU and Irish Laws; 50 Ways to Leave the Euro

Ireland to Cut Spending by 20%, Raise Taxes
as Rescue Talks Climax

Spain Depends on Budget Cuts to Stem Contagion
by Luring Local Bond Buyers

EU rescue costs start to threaten Germany itself

Europe Tries to Contain Debt Crisis

White House Says Europe Crisis May Harm
U.S. Economic Recovery

Report of US supporting more IMF aid props up euro

Gates Seeking to Contain Military Health Costs

Military Update: Obama drops veterans' insurance proposal; more showdowns loom

Obama Administration Proposes Pay
Freeze to Federal Employees

Union Drops Health Coverage for Workers' Children

The Madness of a Lost Society

IMF Expects to Double Its Lending Capacity

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