
NWO already controlling population with poisoned water and air

NWO, UN, NATO, W.H.O. all under the control of the IMF, CFR, WB, has been systematically using BORON and other heavy metals to control population growth without informing each Country of their activities. TENS OF THOUSANDS OF COMPLAINTS TO GOVERNMENTS HAVE BEEN waved aside as 'conspiracy' and or "its National security' and or "its weather testing'


NO LONGER WILL THESE LIES AND MISINFORMATION BE ACCEPTED. see LAB REPORT: http://www.cleanairandwater.net/water-test-results.html

The individual Government PUBLIC SERVANTS AND ELECTED MEMBERS WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE for this CRIME against humanity as there is now sufficient evidence to convict all persons if they are active in withholding data and evidence from the public. OR THEY ARE AN ELECTED GOVERNMENT MEMBER GIVEN THE TRUST AND CARE OVER THEIR CONSTITUENTS.

Government LABORATORY water test results on RAIN WATER shows conclusive proof of AIRCRAFT SPRAYING CHEMTRAIL heavy metals and poisons, far in excess of the WHO published safe level guidelines.

THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE ARE DRINKING POISONED TANK WATER and thousands of victims are in hospitals with Heart Disease, and Cancers which are as a direct result of sustained poisoned air and water from constant chemtrail spraying over every Country. JOIN OUR WORLD WIDE ASSOC ""white clouds of death' 'FIGHTING FUND'

- Chronic fatigue,- splitting headaches, upset stomach, The central nervous system is effected causing spells of dizziness,- insomnia, - poor concentration abilities - lack of muscular coordination and tiredness, Heart disease, lung cancer, skin cancer, liver cancer, Kidney failure, Colon Cancer, Brain Tumors. Diabetes;

ELECTED GOVERNMENT MEMBERS ARE WARNED TO CEASE ANY RELATIONS AND TREATIES WITH UN AND W.H.O. IMF AND NATO IMMEDIATELY, and to instruct their Government to ensure the UN CIA USA Military cease all Chemtrail and HAARP activity over our Country.

GOVERNMENT members are warned ; If they do not cause these criminal activities to cease, they will face criminal charges as being an ACCOMPLICE to mass murder, and mass Genocide

ALL MEDIA management are also warned: Unless they expose these crimes against humanity, and alert the public to the HAARP AND CHEMTRAIL spraying, they will also face criminal charges of being an ACCOMPLICE TO MASS MURDER, AND MASS GENOCIDE.


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