

R.I.P. Whitney ♥

Quite many seem to believe that Whitney was another BLOOD/SOLSTICE SACRIFICE by Illuminati.. 

It's just too predictable.. And everyone around is all shocked and of course they all blame it on her drug problems like they did for Winehouse and Jackson.

She died on the 11th of February - 11+2=13, which is one of those powerful occult numbers (The Illuminati’s signature & occult numbers are 7, 9, 11, and 13). She was 48 (4+8= 12= 3).

The occult number11 has special significance. In Numerology it's a master number (= it's not reduced to a single digit). It is a power number as 2233 etc.are. Number 11 represents the vision.



I think, it's very strange how celebs one by one keep on dying randomly,  "unknown cause" or "on drugs".. have you noticed? Always the same pattern seems to be repeating and it's said they always do these kind of stuff in 3's. 

Get ready, you've been "warned" in advance.. When the 3rd death happens, you will know this is no conspiracy but real nasty truth..

Let's recall a little bit...
Wasn't it right before the BET AWARDS in 2009 when Michael Jackson passed away ..?

Then it's not too long before the MTV AWARDS, when Amy Winehouse passes away and then now is Whitney Houston's "turn" the night before the Grammy Award -show..

I mean, IS THERE SOMETHING REALLY WEIRD GOING ON or do you think this all is a coincidence?

Wake up people!   I can say, this isn't normal, this all is very SICK!

 Here's what one of my FB-friend updated a couple of days ago on his wall: 

"So far 2 big X celebrity have been sacrifices for black history month. First was "Don Cornelius" 2nd was person was sacrificed on Saturday (Saturn day) "Whitney Houston" ..... so i know that these evil people kill off people in sets of 3's... So who will be the 3rd and final sacrifice of the month? Ohh 'Hollywood' you shasty little town, how you have been exposed that everyone with "eyes to see and ears to hear"... hears the truth of your evil ways"

I think Whitney must have been running her mouth on the telephone to people about regrets and threatenings to speak out and tell the truth about how the Music industry and Hollywood is run by satanic luficerian Illuminati forces....

And that's why They "had to" kill her like the long list of others (for ex. M.Jackson) in entertainment who develop a conscience and are about to SPEAK OUT TO WARN THE PUBLIC sheeple who are completely unaware to it all.

As a matter of fact I found an article from TRUTHQUAKE NEWS where it's said that Whitney had nervously spoke out against the strange and dark-spirited stage and video performances of currently popular musicians, such as Rihanna, Lady Gaga, Jay-Z, Beyonce, Kanye West, Pink, Kylie Minogue, Dr. Dre, U2 and Eminem which seem to include numerous references to the Illuminati cult, New World Order, Devil-worshipping, Freemasons, occult rituals, torture, mind control, martial law, mutilation and pornography.


She may be dead, but the memory and great music of hers is IMMORTAL

** Sacrifice of Whitney Houston **

Who Does Chaka Khan Blame for Whitney Houston's Death? 

SHOCK PICS: Whitney Houston Was Seen LEAVING A CLUB . . .With Her WRISTS SLIT . .. And BLOOD EVERYWHERE!! (She's In TROUBLE)








Here's the weird Nicki Minaj Grammy performance has been called everything from strange to offensive, but was it also Satanic or an initiation into the Illuminati?

First she comes out with the Pope, then she has an exorcism performed on herself and it's definitely not a coincidence that she named the song "Roman Holiday" - as in spending some time in Rome, where the head of the Catholic church is.

Media Take Out is saying that the performance reeked of the Illuminati and 666 symbolism, which is really eery. You have to admit, her performance was enough to give you nightmares and it wasn't even as if she sang through most of it. It was all pre-recorded.

Madonna performed the sacrificial ritual during the Superbowl halftime show, which was a “13″ minute performance. 

The finale of Madonna’s performance involved her dropping beneath the stage, going home to lucifer. 

Whitney was the sacrifice that was carried out to complete the ritual.

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