

U.S. intelligence agencies spent millions on top-secret mind control projects with a goal of creating totally dependable, programmable human robots. The projects involved brutal, often terminal experiments on thousands of unwitting citizens in direct defiance of law, all ethical codes, and the most basic human rights.

We talk to author John Marks, who broke the story of the CIA's experiments known as MK-ULTRA and a woman whose past was erased by a brainwashing experiment.

Monarch Programming  is a method of mind control used by numerous organizations for covert purposes. It is a continuation of project MK-ULTRA, a mind-control program developed by the CIA, and tested on the military and civilians.
The methods are astonishingly sadistic (its entire purpose is to traumatize the victim) and the expected results are horrifying: The creation of a mind-controlled slave who can be triggered at anytime to perform any action required by the handler.

While mass media ignores this issue, over 2 million Americans have gone through the horrors of this program.

This amazing autobiographical account of Brice Taylor's personal experience, reveals the hidden purpose behind the ritual abuse and mind control that is being reported around the world!

It shares her recollections of being conditioned through childhood in order to be used by Bob Hope and Henry Kissinger, as a mind-controlled slave into adulthood and used as a presidential sex toy and personal "mind file" computer by high ranking individuals around the world to further the agenda of the New World Order.

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