Since 1990, David Icke has been on an amazing journey of self- and collective discovery to establish the real power behind apparently "random" world events like 9/11 and the "war on terrorism."
Here he reveals that a network of interbreeding bloodlines have, through their web of interconnecting secret societies, been pursuing an agenda for thousands of years to impose a global centralized fascist state with total control and surveillance of the population.
The attacks of September 11th -not the work of "Bin Laden"-and the subsequent "war on terrorism" are a means through which this is designed to be achieved. David Icke also reveals the illusion of life in this "physical" reality.
How is the "world" a provable illusion - just a lucid dream?
How do we create it and how can we change the dream to one that we would like to experience?
All is revealed by David Icke, live to a packed house at one of London's most famous venues, the Brixton.
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