KYMATICA is a film by Ben Stewart, it was released
in February 2009.
This movie focuses on human and universal consciousness and points out psyche disease that mankind has induced that is creating insane illusion which is the main cause of pain and suffer. It goes deeper into metaphysical aspects and connects ancient hidden myths and history with modern ways of society and political outcome.
Explains shamanism, duality and reality behind DNAs and modern false beliefs. Overall, Kymatica is another excellent movie which attempts to point out the fundamental misconception that humankind are facing today that has resulted in imbalance between planet, nature and species.
Ben Stewart, the bright young musician and philosopher, is also a creator of "Esoteric Agenda" (watch here).
For the first time in history we are finding that there are no sole saviors or lone prophets to guide us, but a whole race waking from a sleep that has brought this world to the brink of destruction. In a world where Apocalyptic catastrophes seem inevitable, we must look at the solutions in a whole new manner.
As the latest quantum mechanics and metaphysics are just being discovered, we notice that we are not moving forward, but returning to a consciousness that the ancient shamans, mystics and sages have left for us.
It is a new age. An age for responsibility and stewardship. And as we begin to look for answers in the world within, the world without will reflect. In this new age, we will discover that we are all one mind, one organism, and one spirit.
We are the savior we have been waiting for.
Kymatica on vapaassa levityksessä oleva independent-dokumentti, joka käsittelee teoriaa ihmiskunnasta, planeetasta ja universumista yhtenäisenä organismina. Dokumentti pohtii mm. sitä, miten teoria liittyy yhteiskunnan nykyiseen tilanteeseen, ihmisten kieleen, lakiin, myytteihin ja läpi läntisen maailman valtaa pitäneeseen verilinjaan sekä muihin asioihin.
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