

3.1.2011 guardian.co.uk

Birds falling from the sky in NJ...
what the h**l ??!

Strange things are happening in the world all the time, have you observed??

Now they are claiming it was a planned poisoning through seeding??! Come on!
How dumb do they think we are! Wild, unconstrained birds just happened to eat all at the same time, and all died in the same period??!!??

This has happened before, as shown in this video, after serious chemtrail spraying over a remote town in Australia, and also in Russia in this video. Many more have died, and are presently dying all over the world.

The U.S. bird population had dropped by half, by 2007; how many more have disappeared by now in 2009!

Like the proverbial canary in the coal mine, the health of the bird population is an indication of the health of other wildlife and of human populations as well!

Birds dying are a sign that our health is in serious trouble, and it is beginning to mount!!!  They don't report to us about these things, but now, they cannot hide it. Too many birds are disappearing, and literally dropping out of the sky in huge numbers now.

So.... what do they do? They claim that is was a controlled poisoning with seeds, intended for the birds! Ugh! When we start dropping dead, will they admit that it is a controlled poisoning intended for us? I think not!

This is two news stories from today, and two older videos from other times added so you can put two and two together...

Now, Since I published this video, it has happened. The swine flu is upon us, and it WAS created in a lab, using bird flu, swine flu, and 2 different types of human flu to be sure it would pass from human to human.....

The same has happened also in July 2009
in Sandy Bay, Kingston:
Sparrows drop off the twig

First Birds, Fish, Crabs, Cows, and now 7000-10000
dead Buffalos in Vietnam !

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