Poplegenda Michael Jacksonin lääkäri saa syytteen kuolemantuottamuksesta. Syytteen mukaan lääkäri annosteli Jacksonille kuolettavan määrän rauhottavia lääkkeitä.
Lääkäri Conrad Murray on kiistänyt syytteet. Hänen mukaansa Jackson otti yliannostuksen itse. Murray kutsutaan oikeuteen vastaamaan syytteeseen kahden viikon kuluttua.
Jackson kuoli 50-vuotiaana kesällä 2009.
6 päivää kestäneen ja yli 20 todistajaa käsittäneen alustavan kuulemisen jälkeen tuomari Michael Pastorin mukaan on olemassa tarpeeksi todisteita aloittaa oikeudenkäynti Murrayta vastaan Michael Jacksonin kuolemantuottamuksesta. Syyte luetaan Murraylle 25. tammikuuta.
Loppupuheenvuorossaan syyttäjä David Walgren kertoi tuomarille, että nyt ei ollut vielä Michael Jacksonin aika lähteä ja Murrayn huolimattoman ja harkitsemattoman käytöksen takia Michael Jackson ei ole enää meidän läsnä.
Jos Murray todetaan tulevassa oikeudenkäynnissä syylliseksi häntä odottaa maksimissaan 4 vuoden vankilatuomio.
Samalla tuomari myöskin hyllytti Murrayn Kalifornian lääkäritoimiluvan
Todistajana Christopher Rogers, johtava kuolemansyyntutkija.
Suoritti ruumiinavauksen Michaelille 26. kesäkuuta. Ruumiinavauksessa tuli esille erinäisiä löytöjä, mutta kokonaisvaltaisesti Michaelin terveydentila oli loistava. Michaelin pituus oli 175cm ja paino noin 62kg. Kuolemansyyntutkijan mukaan Michael oli rakenteeltaan hoikka ja tämän BMI (painoindeksi) oli 20,1 joka oli normaali. Michaelin sydän oli hyvässä kunnossa eikä hänellä ollut minkäänlaisia sydänsairauksia.
Kuolemansyyntutkijan mukaan Michaelin ruumiissa ei ollut havaittavissa mitään vammaa tai luontaista sairautta, joka olisi voinut aihettaa tämän kuoleman vaan tutkimusten ja muiden lähteiden perusteella kuolinsyy on henkirikos, johon tutkija oli päätynyt Michaelin saaman ala-arvoisen hoidon perusteella. Tutkijan mukaan Michaelin tapauksessa oli jätetty tiettyjä toimenpiteitä huomiotta, kuten esimerkiksi Murrayn ei olisi pitänyt käyttää Propofolia kotioloissa eikä jättää nukutuslääkkeen vaikutuksen alaisena olevaa potilasta ilman valvontaa eikä Murray myöskään ollut varautunut mahdollisiin tarvittaviin varotoimenpiteisiin.
Kuolinsyy on voimakas Propofolin ja bentsodiatsepiinin yhteiskäyttö, joiden yhteisvaikutus aiheutti korkean nukutustilan, korkeamman kuin erillään käytettynä. Ristikuulustelussa puolustus tarttui jälleen kerran mahdolliseen teoriaan, että Michael antoi itse itselleen yliannostuksen Propofolia, joko suun kautta nautittuna tai jalassa olevan kanyylin kautta. Kuolemansyyntutkijan mukaan tapaus olisi hänen mielestään siltikin henkirikos Murrayn aiheuttamien laiminlyöntien takia vaikka kävisikin ilmi, että Michael olisi antanut Propofolia itselleen.
Seuraava todistaja oli anestesialääkäri Richard Lewis Ruffalo.
Ammatiltaan myös farmakologi, joka opiskelee lääkkeitä ja niiden toiminta- ja käyttömuotoja. Toimii myös opettajana Kalifornian yliopistossa. Pyydettiin konsultoimaan Michaelin kuolemantapauksessa. Kävi läpi eri raportteja ja pöytäkirjoja, joiden perusteella teki omia päätelmiä. Kertoi myös nukutuksessa käytettävistä toimenpiteistä, tarvittavista varusteista ja seikoista, joita tarkkailla ihmisen ollessa nukutuksenlääkkeen vaikutuksen alaisena.
Kertoi oikeudessa muun muuassa seikoista, jotka Murray teki väärin, kuten esimerkiksi tärkeiden tietojen salaaminen ensihoitajilta ja lääkäreiltä, Michaelin valvonta ja kaikkien Michaelille annettujen lääkkeiden ylöskirjaaminen, paikalta poistuminen ja potilaan yksin jättäminen, mahdollisen sydänpysähdyksen ennakoiva ensiapu, hätäpuhelun soitto, vääränlainen ensiapu jne. Ristikuulustelussa puolustus kyseli jälleen antoi itse itselleen-teoriaan viitaten.
Alustava kuuleminen on päättynyt ja tuomarin pitäisi vielä tänään ilmoittaa päätöksensä. Oikeussalissa on myöskin ollut mukana edustaja Kalifornian lääkärinliitosta, joka pyytää tuomaria jäädyttämään Murrayn lääkärin toimiluvan.
A judge on Tuesday ordered Michael Jackson's doctor
to stand trial on a charge of involuntary manslaughter
in the pop star's drug overdose death and suspended
the doctor's California medical license.
Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor found that enough evidence exists to bring Dr. Conrad Murray to trial for the "Thriller" singer's death in June 2009, due principally to an overdose of the powerful anesthetic propofol.
"I order the defendant be held to answer" for the crime, Pastor said after six days of testimony in a preliminary hearing as Jackson's sister, LaToya, and his brother, Randy, looked on.
Involuntary manslaughter is defined as an unintentional killing without malice and is a lesser charge than murder. Still, Murray faces a maximum sentence of four years in prison if convicted. He has pleaded not guilty to the charge.
During the hearing, prosecutors brought to the witness stand a Jackson employee who testified that Murray ordered him to hide drug evidence the day the singer died, June 25. Phone records showed Murray called his girlfriend shortly after giving Jackson propofol, instead of caring for the singer.
Coroners ruled Jackson died from propofol and the effect of sedatives including lorazepam, but the anesthetic was the key drug. Propofol is most often used in hospitals, but Jackson took it as a sleep aid. Murray has admitted giving the singer propofol.
Defense attorneys have suggested Jackson may have injected himself with the fatal dose, but a pair of medical experts testified on Tuesday that even if that were the case, Murray was still be responsible because he supplied the propofol.
"It's like a heroin addict -- you're going to walk away from him with a syringe full of heroin next to him? It's the same thing with propofol," said Dr. Richard Ruffalo, an anesthesiologist at California's Hoag Clinic.
Defense attorneys also claimed Murray was trying to get Jackson off drugs to help him.
"Why, all of the sudden on the day that Dr. Conrad Murray is trying to wean off Michael Jackson trying anything else but propofol, would he suddenly be given a dosage that goes above that. That defies common sense," defense attorney Joseph Low said in his summation on Tuesday.
Low even suggested Jackson's drug use had riddled his body and, by age 50, it may have been his time to die.
Deputy District Attorney David Walgren seized on that last point, saying: "the standard of care was breached, unfortunately and tragically, over and over again because of Dr. Murray's actions. That is why Michael Jackson is no longer here. Not because it was Michael Jackson's time to go."
Judge Pastor's ruling largely had been expected because the burden of proof is low in a preliminary hearing. Murray is due in court on January 25, at which time a trial date could be set.
Outside the courthouse, Randy Jackson appeared pleased at the outcome. "I think the prosecutors, everyone, did a great job," he told reporters as he was entering his car.
Michael Jackson is a member of the Jackson family of singers and is among the best-selling recording artists of all time. He died of the drug overdose only days ahead of a series of planned comeback concerts in London. Murray had been hired to care for the singer as he rehearsed for those shows.
“I will nail Michael Jackson’s killers”
Jacko’s heartbroken sister La Toya vows
to prove star’s death was foul play
Michael Jackson’s heartbroken sister La Toya last night sensationally insisted the King of Pop was MURDERED for his £1 billion fortune.
And the former Playboy model says: “I KNOW who did it.”
In an astonishing exclusive interview, La Toya, 53, reveals secret new facts about the 50-year-old superstar’s sudden death, drugs found in his body and a $2million stash of cash and jewels that has gone missing.
She also speaks movingly about Jacko’s final resting place and tells how his children are struggling with their grief. ¨
La Toya said:
“We don’t think just one person was involved in the murder. It was a conspiracy to get Michael’s money.”
La Toya bombshell:
- They got him hooked on drugs
- He was lonely and vulnerable
- Didn’t want to perform in London
HOURS after his death.- I ordered second autopsy on his body
- $2m cash missing from his mansion
Grief-torn La Toya last night dramatically vowed revenge on the people she claims MURDERED her brother Michael.
And she vowed: “I know who did it and I won’t rest until I nail them!”
La Toya’s astonishing revelations come just two days after the chief of Los Angeles police admitted they were investigating Jacko’s death as possible homicide.
In a moving exclusive four-hour interview with the News of the World, grieving La Toya – the closest person to Michael from the whole tight-knit Jackson clan – revealed she and the family are convinced her brother’s apparent drugs overdose was “foul play” by a shadowy group out to get their hands on his £1 billion fortune.As she posed a series of vital questions about 50-year-old Jacko’s sudden death 17 days ago at his rented mansion in Los Angeles, La Toya said the pop icon was:
- FED a series of addictive drugs to keep him submissive and controlled
- KEPT from his family by manipulative people who blocked their visits
- WORKED to exhaustion even though he DIDN’T want to do the gruelling string of 50 shows due to start at London’s O2 arena tomorrow
- ROBBED of TWO MILLION in cash and gems as he lay dying
Because of her close bond with Michael, La Toya was chosen by the family to sign the death certificate. Now the first step in her battle for justice is underway, with the second, independent, autopsy she ordered.
The official coroner’s report is not due for two weeks but La Toya already knows the results of the family’s own toxicology tests on the body and said:
“I think everyone will be surprised when the results come out.
“I can’t discuss that any further because of the ongoing police investigation. But I can say newspaper reports that there was methadone in his body are inacuurate.
VAIN BATTLE: Paramedics struggle to bring Jacko back to life as he is rushed into the UCLA hospital emergency room
Brushing her long dark hair back from her face – features that closely resemble her tragic brother’s – soft-spoken La Toya added:
“He had many needle marks on his neck and on his arms, and more about those will emerge in the next few weeks. But nothing has changed my mind that this was murder and I won’t give up until I find out what killed my brother.“A couple of years ago Michael told me he was worried that people were out to get him. He said, ‘They’re gonna kill me for my publishing. They want my catalogues and they’re gonna kill me for these.’“I knew something terrible was going to happen.”
“Michael was being inappropriately treated by people who got him hooked on drugs.
“I can’t say who I believe is responsible as I don’t want to jeopardise the police investigation. But not everybody had Michael’s best interests at heart. A month ago I felt Michael was going to die before he did his London concerts.
“I felt it would be foul play. I felt he’d never make the show.”
La Toya claimed those plotting against her brother deliberately cut him off to become “the loneliest man in the world”.
She told us:
“They tried to keep the family away at all times, even my dad.
“Michael was being controlled. No one could get through to him.
“We wanted to know why we were being kept away and my father Joe was always trying to get to see him. He tried so hard to be there for Michael. He was seen as a threat but he was trying to help. And if you keep the family away, you can conquer. It’s like they say, divide and conquer.”
La Toya also claimed millions of dollars in cash and jewels disappeared from Jackson’s house the day he died.
She said:
“Michael always had cash in his homes, usually around $2 million (£1.2 million) which he used to pay out on things. People said he wasn’t wealthy, but Michael always had money with him.
“When I went to the house later that day there was NO cash or jewellery. So many people had been through that house before I got there. Someone went in there and did a good job. It was very strange.”
Questions still surround events leading up to Jackson’s death at the £5 million house on North Carolwood Drive in Holmby Hills on June 25. The singer collapsed around midday and his staff made the 911 emergency call at 12.22pm.
And La Toya described the harrowing scenes she found later that night inside the room where her brother died – strewn with oxygen flasks and empty pill bottles.
She told us:
“The police had already taken an oxygen tank which was beside the bed. On top of the sheets there was still an oxygen mask. Standing beside the bed was a stand for an intravenous drip. I was told the cops had taken the bag of liquid from it.
“Behind I saw three oxygen tanks in the corner of the room.
“There was an empty pill box on a cabinet. We also found loads of empty oxygen tanks in the garage of the house.” Jackson was found to be on a potentially lethal cocktail of drugs when he died, with twice-a-day injections of morphine-related painkiller Demerol and doses of powerful narcotic Dilaudid.
He was also taking twice-daily jabs of painkiller Vistaril, anxiety drug Xanax, anti-depressants Prozac and Zoloft, plus anti-indigestion drug Prilosec.
Cops removed two dustbin bags-full of prescription drugs from the house.
But La Toya insisted vegetarian Jacko had told her he was on a six-month DETOX.
And the last time they’d met, at 60th wedding anniversary celebrations for their parents in a Beverly Hills curry house three weeks before his death, the singer seemed strong and healthy to his sister.
She said:
“Michael was fit, happy and enjoyed every minute of it. Sure he was thin, but Michael was always thin. From my understanding, he was very healthy.
“When I arrived Michael was there standing by the door greeting people, and he said to me, ‘You look fabulous.’
“It was a wonderful time. When he left we embraced each other and he said, ‘Thanks for a nice time. We have to do this again in Vegas.’
“He went to the door, and as he got into the vehicle he looked back and waved goodbye. It’s sad to think that was the last time I saw my baby brother.”
La Toya claimed that he was then wiped out by the punishing rehearsal schedule for the London shows. In the last two days before his death, the Thriller star had performed a dress rehearsal and then a full day’s run-through and strategy session. But La Toya insists that in reality Michael wanted to GIVE UP music.
“He really wanted to be a movie director,” she said.
“He was doing everything to make that happen. He had an idea do a horror film called Thriller. He designed the poster for it already.
“He didn’t want to do 50 shows, he only wanted to do 10. But he was pushed. And Michael being Michael didn’t want to let down his fans.
“But even his daughter Paris said, ‘They worked Daddy too hard.’ Somebody that fragile can’t keep going on like that.”
La Toya revealed she is also mystified by the sacking of Michael’s entire staff just
“Michael WAS murdered,” declared La Toya, 53.“And we don’t think just one person was involved.Rather, it was a conspiracy of people.I feel it was all about money.Michael was worth well over a billion in musicpublishing assets and somebody killed him for that.He was worth more dead than alive.”
She said the family found out when they went back to the house at 11.30pm to claim the star’s belongings.
La Toya added:
“We were told all the guys loyal to Michael had been fired. I couldn’t work it out.”
“This has united the family,” she said.
“We’re all in pain and suffering the loss of Michael. . . but we’re also determined to get to the bottom of what happened to him.
“He was taken from us too soon. Michael didn’t have to die.”
Michael Jackson was one of my favourite artists when I was young and I've always liked him and loved his music, especially the ones, he made in the beginning of his carrier.
I strongly believe, like many of us, that all kind of sick accusations he was being accused for so many years, were only lies by those who wanted to do harm for him and hurt him.
I believe strongly that his dead wasn't natural or caused by himself but it was a coldblooded murder by THEM and I know that you all know what I mean by "them", don't you.
Michael surely knew TOO MUCH and propably wanted to expose those things to everyone and that's why they decided to ELIMINATE him.. (and he hasn't been the only one).
I only wish that you don't ever forget that in your life.
All I wanna say now is R.I.P. Michael Jackson - The Greatest Star of Music Business ever.
You'll be living in our hearts forever!
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