Original text
In this interview, chemical engineer Mark Basile describes shocking findings. He and other scientists found unignited residues of explosives in different samples of the World Trade Center dust. These dust samples come from New York City individuals as well as a New York Museum which prefers to remain anonymous at this time.
We all remember the thick layer of dust that covered Lower Mannathan on that tragic day. Scientists have studied this dust and Mark Basile is one of them. Their findings are very important and clearly call for a new independent 9-11 investigation.
This interview is footage of one of the world class experts appearing in Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth upcoming hard hitting documentary “9-11 Explosive Evidence: Experts speak out”.
"I have independently seen thermitic activity within two independent samples of World Trade Center Dust. [...] I would really like to stress that we need a lot more people involved in this work than just the few of us that are doing it right now.
My work with this has brought me to feel that this material is too big of an unanswered question and it really brings us to demand a new investigation. This is hard evidence that can not be refuted.
Anyone can replicate the work that’s been doneand confirm that this material is there"
— Mark Basile, chemical engineer
Interview with Chemical Engineer Mark Basile
Suomen medioissa WTC-iskujen vaihtoehtoisista teorioista on vaiettu. Pinnan alla on kuitenkin kytenyt kaiken aikaa.
Arkkitehtien ja insinöörien muodostama 9/11 Totuus -järjestö valmistelee parhaillaan 9-11 Explosive Evidence: Experts Speak Out -dokumenttia, jossa tiedemiehet paljastavat todisteensa WTC-tornien räjäytyksistä, kertoi Findance.com –sivusto.
Yksi heistä on Mark Basile, joka on löytänyt jälkiä räjähteistä mm. newyorkilaisen museon toimittamasta pölynäytteestä. Hän selventää myös, että sortuminen ei ole voinut johtua palavasta lentopetrolista.
Presidenttiehdokas ja Alaskan entinen senaattori Mike Gravel on tekemässä Kaliforniassa aloitetta uusista tutkimuksista.
Syyskuun 11. päivän iskujen vaihtoehtoisten teorioiden pääpohjaksi käsitetään yleensä Yhdysvaltain hallinnossa oletetusti toiminut rikollinen elementti, joka on halunnut oikeutuksen mm. Afganistanin ja Irakin sodille.
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