"Ok, so the title of this video is a little sarcastic but I wanted to get peoples' attention and thought that it surely would. lol.
The reason why I wanted to make a quick video like this is because I still come across people in my every day life who are mad at Obama, confused about why we haven't seen that change he's given us "hope" for, and many of these people seem to be unaware of what's really goin' on behind the scenes, not just with Obama, but globally.
This is not an Obama thing- this is a global thing (conspiracy) that involves The Global Elite!
So, I felt inspired to make a quick video to recommend a couple free youtube videos for those people who are seeking more understanding/ a different perspective. I feel these videos will get the wheels starting to turn if they haven't already. I know Zeitgeist did for me when I watched for the first time many years ago!
You may not agree with all that is talked about in these videos. Even if it's not all true, I think they'll get you thinking about these things & inspiring you to do your own research & come up with your own conclusions."
Here are a couple more video I didn't mention in this video, but ones I also recommend:
2012 The Online Movie - FULL MOVIE!!!
- Expand Your Consciousness!!!
Also check out TRUEBOOK, a fantastic new network that offers tons of educational & empowering info!
"A big part of staying positive in the midst of darkness is to find inspiration. Focus on the small steps you can take right now! Something I recommend are the Ringing Cedars Series books by Vladimir Megre. Start by reading "Anastasia". Reading those books have inspired me to stay focused on the light, to continue to help as many people as I can & to work towards creating my own Space of Love (where I'm living off the land, growing my own food, offering healing retreats, etc.)
Remember, you don't have to let the darkness you see in the world bring you down! We live in a world of duality! There is always going to be darkness! Heck, if you don't have a shadow, you're not standing in the light! You can choose to allow the truth, regardless of how upsetting it initially is, to empower you to make the choice- Do I want to align myself with the higher frequencies in life or with the lower frequencies in life?
You can (if you choose) to align yourself with love & light, with the highest good of all!
Choosing to focus on the love in & around you,
and choosing to extend that love & compassion to others
doesn't mean you are ignoring the darkness.
It simply means you are CHOOSING to shine your light through that darkness! :)"
Leija Turunen
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