
Uusimpia viljaympyröitä - Newest Cropcircles

9. & 13.8.2010 Horton and Northdowns, Wiltshire, UK

8.8.2010 Pewsey White Horse and Stanton Bridge, Wiltshire, UK


The Whitefield Hill Crop Circle 3.8.2010 ( THE RING OF FIRE )

Twin Crop Circles 30.7.2010, Berkshire UK

Two new Twin Crop Circles "FACE" 30th July 2010 at Wickham Green , Berkshire UK. Overlapping and mirroring gives faces. Specially the North formation gives a dstinct face that reminds of an Alien or by some the Shroud of Turin and Jesus.

25.7.2010:the two most important until today 

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