
Could This be the Key Factor Spiking the Rise in ADHD?

Close to 1 million children in the United States have potentially been misdiagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) -- simply because they are the youngest, and therefore the most immature, in their kindergarten class.

These children are significantly more likely to be prescribed behavior-modifying drugs such as Ritalin. Such inappropriate treatment is particularly troubling because of the unknown impacts of long-term stimulant use on children's health.

According to Science Daily:

“It also wastes an estimated $320 million-$500 million a year on unnecessary medication -- some $80 million-$90 million of it paid by Medicaid”.

The ADHD “Epidemic” is
Creating a Zombi-Generation
by Drug Addicts

Once a diagnosis has been made, the conventional approach typically involves drug therapy.
Commonly prescribed drugs include:

Ritalin and Concerta contain different formulations of methylphenidate, a powerful psychostimulant drug that is in the same class as cocaine. Adderall contains amphetamine (aka "speed") and dextroamphetamine.

Please understand that just because these drugs are by prescription does NOT make them safer than their illegal “street drug” counterparts.

Methylphenidate behaves similarly to highly addictive drugs. Ritalin, for example, has the same pharmacological profile as cocaine, yet its effects are even more potent. Using brain imaging, scientists have found that, in pill form, Ritalin occupies more of the neural transporters responsible for the “high” experienced by addicts than smoked or injected cocaine.

In essence, we have created a large body of new drug addicts, priming them for addiction from an extremely young age.

This is a particularly painful thought when you consider that, in all likelihood, nearly one million children are being drugged simply because they act their age! And even more children are likely receiving addictive drugs when what they really need is proper nutrition.

It’s also worth mentioning that, like antidepressants, some ADHD drugs have been linked to an increased probability of suicidal thoughts and behavior.

Strattera®, which contains atomoxetine hydrochloride, carries this warning. Hallucinations, increased aggressive behavior, heart attack and stroke are also possible side effects of ADHD drugs.

Natural Ways to Relieve
ADHD Symptoms

It is my sincere hope that people will begin to realize that drug therapy, if at all necessary, should be a very last resort, after all other options have been exhausted – especially when it comes to behavioral problems such as ADHD.

Before you consider drugs, please consider implementing the following strategies first, in addition to making sure that your child is assessed in an age-appropriate manner:

Eliminate most grains and sugars from your child’s diet.
Grains and sugars both tend to cause allergies in sensitive individuals.
Even organic, whole grain can cause problems in many children so it would be wise
to give them a grain holiday and see if their behavior improves.

Replace soft drinks
(whether diet and regular), fruit juices, and pasteurized milk with pure, clean non-fluoridated water.

Increase omega-3 fats
by taking a high quality animal-based omega-3 oil. Research has confirmed that something as simple as animal-based omega-3 fat can improve the symptoms of ADHD
more effectively than drugs like Ritalin® and Concerta®.
In my view, krill oil is the best option for this. It contains essential EPA and DHA in a double chain phospholipid structure that makes it far more absorbable than the omega-3s in fish oil.

Minimize your use of nearly all processed fats,
especially trans fats as they disrupt nerve cell intercommunication.

Avoid all processed foods,
especially those containing artificial colors, flavors and preservatives, which may trigger or worsen symptoms.

Clear your house of dangerous pesticides
and other commercial chemicals. Pesticide exposure has been linked with ADHD.

Avoid commercial washing detergents and cleaning products used on clothes, and replace them with naturally derived cleaning products
with no added perfumes, softeners, etc.

Spend more time in nature.
Researchers have found that exposing ADHD children to nature
is an affordable, healthy way of controlling symptoms.

Investigate sensory therapy and emotional wellness tools.
Instead of looking for a quick fix, encourage ADHD sufferers to talk,
and find out what emotions are causing issues. You may want to consider
 the energy tapping techniques to improve emotional coping and healing.


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