
Message from Galactic Federation Of Light: Ashtar, Sananda And Chyna July 13th 2010

Message from Chyna, Ashtar and Sananda channeled by Mark Stearn 

13th July, 2010

Mark Stearn:

Chyna is an ascended being from Velouria. She works from Shayla the crystal city adorning the comeragh mountains of southeast ireland. Many of you already know and are familiar with Chyna. Her name is by the way pronounced Cheena. I will finish for now.

In loving service, Mark Stearn

From Chyna:

Greetings celestial friends, greetings from us and your extended family. We trust this message finds you well what with all that is transpiring at this time. The unicorns also send their blessings and all connected with the faerie realms. Your earth is under severe pressurre at this time. She is shifting her tectonic plates and doing all that she can to return balance to a troubled world.

It is time now dear hearts to disengage from all that is happening around you. Take refuge in your divine centre for it is your home and the stillness and silence will bring great peace and healing to your heart. You will be glad to know that many new hearts are awakening to the truth what with the monumentous influx of the higher light. These higher energies bring heaven closer to earth.

They work strongly and infinitely to heal a troubled world. The ravaged energies are being worked upon constantly by all lightworkers and lightservers. They are being returned to the light on a constant basis. The clear and sweet touch of heaven has never been closser sweet ones. Do you know you are now doing more now than you could ever conceive. Humanity and all of the mass consciousness are being assisted and balanced through the prayers, intention and infinite soul work of so many dedicated hearts.

Ashtar is also with me now as is Sananda and each of us has a small message for you. I will be silent for now and will make way for our dear friends.

In love and humility, I am Chyna

From Ashtar:

Good day my friends. The truth is now bubbling to the surface sweet hearts and it's message cannot be ignored. Your world is in need of balance and restoration. Through the prayers of so many lightservers the agreement has been made unanimously for the new earth to have direct actiona and intervention in your affairs. The new earth is merging all the time with your earth and is closer to you now than it has ever been. Those who are at this time out of alignment with the light are currently switching off and shutting down.

The time has come for an increased activity for the Ashtar Command and the Galactic Federation. The great balancing process and fusion of dark and light is now fully in motion and it's momentum is truly unstoppable. Pay no attention to the surface world but acknowledge your own truth within dear friends. This is of vital importance. I will speak again soon. I am your friend and dedicated brother,


From Sananda:

Good day my friends. What a busy time we are now in. I echo Ashtar's words just now and I counsel discernment and careful vigilance in all that you see, hear and read at this time. The old simply does not work anymore as you are doing so well now in integrating and balancing the new.

It is all ahead of you dear friends. There is so much to look forward to that is clearly beyond your wildest dreams and expectations. You truly deserve this experience and bounty of your fullest and truest selves.

Till we speak again,

I love you all, I am Sananda.

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