The past weeks may have felt like being on a roller coaster. Starting in June you felt the anticipation as the coaster clicked its way to the top of the first hill. On the 12th and 13th of June you felt the exhilaration of high energy as you peeked over the top and began to rush forward into the Solstice, full moon and eclipse.
At this bottom point you feel heavy with the G force finding it challenging to focus, yet you excited as you now see the next climb awaiting you. Sound familiar? Well hold on as the message I am receiving is that this is just the beginning. If you think the energies have been speeding up you are correct and they are only going to increase. I am being shown huge loops and twists coming up for July and August!
Tremendous amounts of energy releases will continue in the coming weeks, from both yourselves and Earth Mother. These releases are necessary to move forward towards the evolution of mankind and the planet. Keep in mind the emergence that will follow these events, a sense of renewed hope, direction and understanding. Each of you will notice the changes within your Divine vessels, your light will have increased, your focus clearer on the direction of your paths.
These shifts could be challenging for many and we advise you to try to stay centered and balanced. Share with others your experiences and you will know that you are not alone. We will be assisting you through this up leveling and be assured that you need only to call upon us to ease and gentle the effects.
The magenta ray, sea foam green and now the blue violet ray encasing your golden crown chakra.
The pink unconditional love from your core pours forth, surrounding your pure white spiritual light.
Shine brightly beautiful ones, allow and embrace the changes that are flooding forth. Be kind to yourselves and rest when you can.
Follow your intuition on the days of high energy and get as much done as possible. Have books and quiet projects ready for the days when you need to rest.
Acknowledge the shifts around you as Earth Mother releases, remember that these changes are for the highest and greatest good. Ground yourselves to her core and assist her to grow and shift with grace and ease. This connection will allow you to access the information that she will gladly share. You may sense upcoming changes and releases, even a knowing of what is about to happen.
We love you and will assist you with every stage of this transmogrification, enjoy the ride.
Much Love and Blessings
Deb Graves / Araznu
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