As you contemplate the fate of the planet, you begin to fear your creation and its effect on your own transformation. You forget that you are here as an anchor of the existing world's energies as well as its transformation. As you approach ascension to higher dimensions the realization of what the separation means is brought forward with great clarity. This insight brings fear because of your presence in the third dimension and its focus on punishment for wrongdoing. There is no punishment in the higher dimensions, only the peace and joy that come with reconnection.
Your multi-dimensional view of your separation exists to remind you that you are here to reconnect, to bring heaven on earth and to create the balance between the spiritual and material planes. You are each an anchor for your energetic vibration and its reconnection and healing, but the recalibration process is painful and challenging as you gain awareness of the imbalance, are shown where your own energies are out of balance and bring yourselves back into wholeness.
There nothing that has been done on the third dimension that cannot be repaired through your intention for healing. All that you perceive as wrong with the world can be healed when you bring right thought into the process, and this requires your trust in the unconditional love of Source, through which nothing is irreparably broken. You have each come to anchor this love through your acceptance of it in your own lives. In this moment and in each moment, accept the unconditional love that is available to you. Know that there is no wrong, mistake or separation. Be an anchor of the love you know is yours by divine right and accept the transformation, ascension and return of heaven on earth that is the end of the human cycle and the beginning of the presence of the divine.
Shared with Love
Jess X
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