Oma näkemykseni asiaan on se, että tähänkin uutisointiin on vain yhdenlainen motiivi:
Pelotella ihmisiä!
Saada meidät niin pelon valtaan ja paniikkiin, ettemme hetkeen pystyisi ajattelemaan mitään muuta.
Aivan kuten Meksikonlahden öljykatastrofin yksi tarkoitus oli saada ihmiset jumiutumaan asian seuraamiseen ja kauhistelemiseen, jotta Illut saavat rauhassa puuhastella selkiemme takana muita vieläkin suurempia juttuja päämme menoksi!
Ja jotta keskittäisimme energiamme NEGATIIVISEEN positiivisen eli VALON sijaan.
Ja ettemme enää olisi toisiimme yhteyksissä.
FB-tietovuodonkin tarkoituksena oli siis saada meidät keskittämään kaiken energiamme ja huomiomme tällaiseen turhanpäiväisyyteen, joka olisi sitten pois monesta olennaisemmasta ympärillämme tällä hetkellä tapahtuvasta asiasta.
Älkäämme siis antako heidän pelotella meitä!
Ikävää on tietysti se, että FB tuntuu "omistavan" meidät ja meidän yksityisyytemme / tietomme kokonaan, vielä senkin jälkeen, jos vaikka päättäisimme lähteä pois Facebookista. Heidän servereilleen kun jää jokaisesta ikinä sinne kirjautuneesta jäljet, aivan kuten jo muuallakin netissä millä sivuilla ikinä käymmekin. Halusimmepa sitä tai sitten emme.
Eli FB:sta et saa poistettua koskaan tietojasi täysin, se on varma juttu, kuten myös sekin, että todennäköisesti joku jossain voi (ja mahdollisesti jossain tilanteessa/vaiheessa) ja tuleekin käyttämään noita henkilökohtaisia tietojamme väärällä tavalla hyväksensä.. we will see.
Pelkkä tuollaisen ajatteleminenkin on aika karmivaa juuri siksi, että se on niin totta, ja samalla raivostuttavaakin, mutta yrittäkäämme silti pysytellä kaikkien noiden negatiivisten tuntemusten ulottumattomissa ja keskittää ajatuksemme ja energiamme valoisempiin asioihin :)
NWO siis muistuttelee meille olemassaolostaan ihan KAIKKIALLA ja jatkuvasti!
Joka paikassahan meitä tarkkaillaan erilaisilla valvontakameroilla, missä ikinä liikummekin, kaduilla, kaupoissa, virastoissa jne. ja kännykkä on vain yks hyvä esimerkki, mitä yksilölliseen "tarkkailuun", paikantamiseemme tulee. Puhumattakaan kaiken maailman luotto-, pankki-, bonus- tms. korteista!
Mikä on surullisinta, valtaväestöllä ei tunnu olevan asiasta minkäänlaista käsitystä tai edes aavistusta! Ja siksipä pitääkin olla meitä, jotka näistä asioista sitten infoavat heillekin (tosin kuinka moni sitten pitää näitä juttuja ihan huuhaana, eikä ota todesta, mutta sekin on tietysti jokaisen oma asia mitä haluaa todeksi uskoa ja mitä ei).
Itse olen kuitenkin kaikesta huolimatta, ja senkin uhalla, että se koituisi jollain tavalla kohtalokseni, päättänyt FB:ssakin näistä Illuminati -asioista kertoa tosi avoimesti ja olen tehnyt seinälläni tiettäväksi kaikille kavereilleni, mitä maailmanmenosta ajattelen yleensäkin ja olen halunnut tuoda näitä NWO -juttujakin tarkoituksella esille..kävi sitten miten kävi ;)
Mutta siinä olen pitänyt tiukemman rajani, mitä yksityiselämäni tietoja itsestäni haluan siellä muutoin jakaa muille ja niin kannattaisi tehdä kaikkien muidenkin.
Mutta tässä tämä artikkeli aiheesta..
Details of 100 million Facebook users
published online
Bowes used code to scan the 500 million Facebook profiles for information not hidden by privacy settings. The resulting file, which allows people to perform searches of various different types, has been downloaded by several thousand people.
This means that if any of those on the list decide to change their privacy settings on Facebook, Bowes and those who have the file will still be able to access information that was public when it was compiled.
Bowes’ actions also mean people who had set their privacy settings so their names did not appear in Facebook’s search system can now be found if they were friends with anyone whose name was searchable.
'Scary privacy issue'
On his website,, Bowes said the results of his code were "spectacular," giving him 171 million names of which were 100 million unique.
"As I thought more about it and talked to other people, I realized that this is a scary privacy issue. I can find the name of pretty much every person on Facebook," he wrote.
"Facebook helpfully informs you that "[a]nyone can opt out of appearing here by changing their Search privacy settings" — but that doesn't help much anymore considering I already have them all (and you will too, when you download the torrent). Suckers!"
"Once I have the name and URL of a user, I can view, by default, their picture, friends, information about them, and some other details," Bowes added. "If the user has set their privacy higher, at the very least I can
view their name and picture. So, if any searchable user has friends that are non-searchable, those friends just opted into being searched, like it or not! Oops :)"
He said he discovered the top first name in the list was Michael, followed by John, David, Chris and Mike. The top surnames were Smith, Johnson, Jones, Williams and Brown.
A privacy expert expressed concern at the implications of Bowes' actions. Simon Davies, of campaign group Privacy International, told the BBC that some Facebook users "did not understand the privacy settings and this is the result."
"Facebook should have anticipated this attack and put measures in place to prevent it," he told the BBC. "It is inconceivable that a firm with hundreds of engineers couldn't have imagined a trawl of this magnitude and there's an argument to be heard that Facebook have acted with negligence."
The personal details of 100 million Facebook users have been collected and published online in a downloadable file, meaning they will now be unable to make their publicly available information private.
However, Facebook downplayed the issue, saying that no private data had been compromised.
The information was posted by Ron Bowes, an online security consultant, on the Internet site Pirate Bay.Bowes used code to scan the 500 million Facebook profiles for information not hidden by privacy settings. The resulting file, which allows people to perform searches of various different types, has been downloaded by several thousand people.
This means that if any of those on the list decide to change their privacy settings on Facebook, Bowes and those who have the file will still be able to access information that was public when it was compiled.
Bowes’ actions also mean people who had set their privacy settings so their names did not appear in Facebook’s search system can now be found if they were friends with anyone whose name was searchable.
'Scary privacy issue'
On his website,, Bowes said the results of his code were "spectacular," giving him 171 million names of which were 100 million unique.
"As I thought more about it and talked to other people, I realized that this is a scary privacy issue. I can find the name of pretty much every person on Facebook," he wrote.
"Facebook helpfully informs you that "[a]nyone can opt out of appearing here by changing their Search privacy settings" — but that doesn't help much anymore considering I already have them all (and you will too, when you download the torrent). Suckers!"
"Once I have the name and URL of a user, I can view, by default, their picture, friends, information about them, and some other details," Bowes added. "If the user has set their privacy higher, at the very least I can
view their name and picture. So, if any searchable user has friends that are non-searchable, those friends just opted into being searched, like it or not! Oops :)"
He said he discovered the top first name in the list was Michael, followed by John, David, Chris and Mike. The top surnames were Smith, Johnson, Jones, Williams and Brown.
A privacy expert expressed concern at the implications of Bowes' actions. Simon Davies, of campaign group Privacy International, told the BBC that some Facebook users "did not understand the privacy settings and this is the result."
"Facebook should have anticipated this attack and put measures in place to prevent it," he told the BBC. "It is inconceivable that a firm with hundreds of engineers couldn't have imagined a trawl of this magnitude and there's an argument to be heard that Facebook have acted with negligence."
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