
Alex Jones: Government cyber invasion

Is the United States government or outside forces the real threat to cyber security?

Alex Jones says that the government is trying to silence free speech in America by expanding their reach on the internet. He also says his own personal sites have been censored, even deleted.

The YouTube channel that was hosting "the Obama Deception" was hacked!! With "the Obama Deception" reaching no.1 on Google Trends we see the video deleted off of YouTube....

Made to look like a hack, the anti-establishment documentary was blocked after a year of mega-viral viewing, ranking #1 in search engines and waking up millions to the false left-tight paradigm perpetuated by Obama.

Alex Jones is on high-alert after someone managed to compromise the "ChangeDaChannel" You Tube account and criminally remove the most-viewed version of The Obama Deception available online, which had more than 6.5 million views and whose URL link ranked among the top of all "Obama" related searches.

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