The astrological chart is shown that the Sun South Node and Mercury will remain in the grand cross on the Holy Cross for many days and what makes 26th June special is that the Full Moon will be opposite conjunct Pluto and the North Node all with the Galactic Centre.
June 26 2010 shows a grand cross on the Holy Cross and the Full Moon is conjunct the Galactic Centre opposite the Sun. This is the opposite of what occurred on 26th December 2004. Another more similar date to the Tsunami 2004 is maybe 21st December 2010 when the Full Moon will be opposite the Sun conjunct the Galactic centre.June 25 to August 5, 2010 is when Pluto, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars finally create their Grand Cross pattern, all aligning at the beginning degrees of the four Cardinal signs!
June 26 2010 as well as 21 December 2010 bear some resemblance to the Indian Ocean Tsunami date 26 December 2004. If we would study this science in greater depth we would come to a ceratinty that would make it possible to predict and warn people.
Read here more, if interested!
What is The Grand Cross
The Grand Cross is a rare alignment of the planets in which they form a giant cross. It is said to happen once every twenty-four thousand years.
The last time it happened was August 18, 1999. This came 7 days after a solar eclipse happened on August 11.
The significance of the Grand Cross is that it is said it marks the beginning of a new cycle.
We have seen that solar eclipses are a sign for the nations so it could have been a warning that the 9/11 terrorist attacks were going to happen and the U.S. would be at war with Iraq and Afghanistan. Looking at the even bigger picture it could represent the west at odds with radical Islam since the Grand Cross is supposed to begin a new cycle.
This will indeed be a time of intense and dramatic change worldwide.
Pleiadian-Sirian Council: 'Dear Earth beings, we encourage you to TAKE TIME OUT on this one day. Understanding that this very planetary alignment, combined with the lunar eclipse, so soon after your Solstice -- this is an opportunity, one such as Harmonic Convergence was -- in which, if you are in a state of love and connection and unity consciousness -- if you succeed in this, it is planted forever -- not only on your Earth planet and in this density , but through all dimensions.
You will be seeding joy and bliss and harmony throughout your galaxy and universe!'
I was inspired to ask my guides about the 26th June 2012 after reading Werner Johannes Neuner's de-coding of the Wilton Windmill Crop Circle of June 22nd.
He proposes that the sun is uniting 2 poles on this day of the Grand Cross Alignment - and a 'new, corrected reality can be initiated at this time if enough of us move into love and balance.
love love love,
Solara An-Ra Warrior of the Light
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