
Already aware of the real DANGER of CELL PHONES etc. EMF stuff...

The dangers of living in the wireless age !

The threats below have been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to be harmful to living creatures, yet the truth has been denied and obscured by those who profit from them. Don't pay people to harm you!

And if you're Starseed, many of these poisons are more hazardous to you.

Are you willing to wait until the government does something,
or the $200 billion wireless industry admits
that cell phones are not safe?


You can't get away from it. It covers the globe wherever there are cell phones, cell towers, WiFi, computers, microwaves, TVs, hairdryers, anything electric really, radio signals, satellite signals and the list goes on.

Your body and energy field is under constant assault, even if you know better than to use a cell phone without protection.

Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) from Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMF) is in your home and your outside world, and it interferes with your own bioelectric field, or life force.

The result can be anywhere from feeling tired all the time, having headaches, to actually developing cancerous brain and eye tumors on the cell phone side of your head, caused by constant exposure to EMR. It acts like kryptonite, especially to Starseeds.

Sign of EMF Hazards (above)

Children Are At Greater Risk Because Their Brains
Are Still Developing And Skulls Are Not As Thick As Adults!

It can interfere with your connection to your Galactic guides, and it's 400% more damaging to your children, our future! For men who wear their cell phones on their belts or in their pockets, it is reducing your sperm count and irradiating your organs.

It irreparably damages DNA strands and shrinks your biofield, and is silently robbing you of your future, since the effects are cumulative. By the time you notice you have a problem, it will be too late!

The biofield of starseeds will be more sensitive to EMR, and we strongly urge you to educate and protect yourself!

We have found only one patented, scientifically proven way to neutralize the effects of EMR, and the only protection that we endorse is the BioPro Technology. It not only shields you from the effects of radiation, it strengthens your biofield in a two-layer approach.

What the $200 Billion Wireless Industry
Doesn't Want You To Know

60 Minutes - Australia Part 2 of 2 - Cell Phone Dangers

Dr. George Carlo: "Your Cell Phone is Dangerous"
Check out this interesting interview regarding EMF Cell Phone Dangers!

Read more:
You Can't Get Away From
ElectroMagnetic Pollution,
But You CAN Defend Yourself!

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