
Russian president Medvedev: how to prepare for ET contact?

Russian president Medvedev faces same issues
as 2010 Denver ET vote:

how to prepare for ET contact?

A very real exercise in comparative exopolitics has come about simultaneously, (and perhaps sychronistically) in the Russian Federation and in the United States. Exopolitics in a Russian state Duma have brought Russian President Dmitry Medvedev face to face with the same set of exopolitical issues addressed by the August 2010 ballot initiative for an Extraterrestrial Affairs commission in Denver, Colorado.

Liberal Democrat Party representative and state Duma deputy Andrei Lebedev “fears that extraterrestrials may have compromised Russia's official secrets. After hearing a TV interview in which the President of the Kalmyk Republic, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, spoke of his meeting with an alien spaceship, Lebedev called for instant action,” according to news reports in Russia.

President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov’s close encounter took place on Sep. 18, 1997, and Ilyumzhinov recalled it in a recent interview with TV presenter Vladimir Pozner. He stated that others “might be skeptical, but added: ‘I believe I communicated with them, I saw them. I probably would not have believed it, but there were three witnesses: my driver, the Minister and my assistant.’” ABC News reports, “Kirsan Ilyumzhinov was at home in his Moscow apartment when they came in and abducted him, taking him to their space ship where they communicated with him telepathically.”

Following President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov’s revelation of his meeting with extraterrestrials, “state Duma deputy Andrei Lebedev concluded that Ilyumzhinov had something to hide, and warned that ‘sensitive information’ could have been passed to the interplanetary guests.”

MP Andrei Lebedev has written a letter to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev “raising a list of his concerns,” that mirror the issues raised in the August 10, 2010 Denver, Colorado Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission ballot initiative.

In his letter to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, MP Andrei Lebedev says that President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov’s meeting with extraterrestrials “was an historic event and should have been reported to the Kremlin.”

MP Andrei Lebedev also asks “if there are official guidelines for what government officials should do if contacted by aliens, especially if those officials have access to state secrets.”

According to one news report, “State Duma deputy Andrei Lebedev doesn’t believe Ilyumzhinov’s claim that he was simply shown around the ship and released, so he has asked the president to find out what else happened and report back to the Duma.

MP Andrei Lebedev is especially interested in what President Ilyumzhinov may have told the extraterrestrials about his job and whether the abduction has affected the governor’s ability to perform the duties of office.”

As Examiner.com reported, “In August, 2010, the citizens of Denver, Colo. will go to the voting booths and do something that no other earthly civilization in mainstream recorded history has done – vote on establishing an official commission to ‘create a responsible, responsive, common sense strategy for dealing with issues related to the presence of extraterrestrial intelligent beings on Earth.’

Why Russian President Medvedev should look to the
2010 Denver Extraterrestrial Commission initiative
for guidance on ET issues

One source states, “Kirsan Nikolayevich Ilyumzhinov (born April 5, 1962, in Elista) is a Kalmyk multi-millionaire businessman and politician. He is the President of the Republic of Kalmykia of the Russian Federation, and has been the President of FIDE (or the ‘World Chess Federation’), the world's pre-eminent international chess organization, since 1995.

He has also been in the forefront of promoting chess in schools in Russia and overseas. He is the founder of Novy Vzglyad Publishing House. In May, 2010, he became world-famous for self-describing himself as an alien abductee.”

Veteran Russian TV personality Victor Posner (who was raised in Manhattan), President of the Kalmyk Republic, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, and state Duma deputy Andrei Lebedev by each exercising their rights of free speech and of parliamentary due process under the Russian Constitution of December 12, 1993 to bring the matter of an apparent communication between extraterrestrials and the sitting President of the Kalmyk Republic to the President of Russia, Dmitry Medvedev, for – at the very least – official investigation and the application of “official guidelines for what government officials should do if contacted by aliens, especially if those officials have access to state secrets.”

The fundamental concepts which Russian President Dmitry Medvedev (or any head of state or governmental entity) needs to identify, develop and apply official guidelines for human civic contact with extraterrestrials have been well thought out in the 2010 ballot initiative for an Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission in Denver, Colorado.

Voters in Denver, Colo. will find an initiative on the August 2010 ballot that asks them whether they approve the following:

“Shall the voters for the City and County of Denver adopt an Initiated Ordinance to require the creation of an extraterrestrial affairs commission to help ensure the health, safety, and cultural awareness of Denver residents and visitors in relation to potential encounters or interactions with extraterrestrial intelligent beings or their vehicles, and fund such commission from grants, gifts and donations?” Yes___ No___

How the 2010 Denver Extraterrestrial Initiative
can help President Medvedev

The 2010 Denver Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission initiative goes on to explicitly state its intent, and focus in the very terms that Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and his Kremlin advisers may be wrestling with right now for their report to the state Duma of the Republic of Kalmykia.

The 2010 Denver ET ballot initiative states:

“The legislative intent of this division is to create a responsible, responsive, common sense strategy for dealing with issues related to the presence of extraterrestrial intelligent beings on Earth.
To that end, the People of the City and County of Denver hereby establish an Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission, which shall have the following purposes:

“1. To obtain and provide the most accurate, complete,
credible, and relevant information available
to city government personnel and residents about
extraterrestrial intelligent beings on Earth;

“2. To assist residents and visitors in reporting sightings of, or interactions with,
extraterrestrial intelligent beings or their vehicles,
and refer them to the proper and most appropriate public
or private service agencies;

“3. To inform people of the implications of encounters
with extraterrestrial beings or their vehicles;

“4. To develop protocols for peaceful and diplomatic contact
with extraterrestrial beings in the event of contact;

“5. To fund the Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission
entirely from grants, gifts and donations,
without requiring any fiscal outlay from the city budget; and

“6. To make expenditures from the Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission fund.”

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev is faced with the exopolitical circumstance that a highly popular and wealthy President of the Kalmyk Republic has stated to one of the most credible and venerable “60 Minutes”-like TV commentators on Russian television that while he was a sitting President he was taken into a extraterrestrial spaceship where he conversed with extraterrestrial visitors.

A member of the state Duma of the Kalmyk Republic has now made this reported extraterrestrial communication to the governor of the Kalmyk Republic a matter of the highest and most urgent state security under the Russian Constitution of 1993.

This is exactly the sort of governmental and civic emergency that the developers of the 2010 Denver Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission initiative had envisioned as potentially happening in Denver, Colorado.
Only it has happened in the Russian Federation in 2010 first.

How the 2010 Denver Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission
initiative pepares us for ET contact

It is not as though the 2010 Denver Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission initiative has not prepared us for an emergency exopolitical situation like the 2010 Russian Federation Kalmyk Republic Duma exopolitical showdown, requiring official extraterrestrial contact guidelines, investigation protocols, etc.

Here is what the 2010 Denver ET initiative says:
“Sec. 2-255.60. Legislative intent.

"The People of the City and County of Denver hereby declare that:

"1. The presence of extraterrestrial intelligent beings and extraterrestrial
vehicles on Earth, and within Earth’s atmosphere,
has been confirmed by credible evidence,
official government documents, and whistleblowers formerly working
for the U.S. Government and government contractors;

"2. Evidence of extraterrestrial beings has been known by
United States presidents since President Franklin Roosevelt,
including President Ronald Reagan as disclosed
in his presentation to the United Nations
regarding extraterrestrial matters;

"3. Since at least 1947, the United States government has denied
knowledge of this evidence, thus placing the public
and local governments at potential risk and disadvantage;

"4. The United States government has suppressed, and withheld from the public,
evidence of advanced clean energy, transportation
and other technologies of extraterrestrial origin.
These technologies could potentially offer substantial economic relief
for our most pressing social and economic concerns, including a reduction of pollution
and at least partial replacement of fossil fuels
 with affordable non-polluting energy sources,
and other advanced technologies;

"5. Local government officials have rejected or ignored the need to prepare
city personnel and citizens for potential contact or interactions
with extraterrestrial intelligent beings
or their vehicles even though:

a. Multiple federal government agencies have acknowledged
the presence of extraterrestrial intelligent beings,
through hundreds of official documents,
but have not informed our citizens about
how to intelligently and responsibly
respond to UFO/extraterrestrial encounters;

b. Hundreds of top military leaders, government scientists,
government contractors, commercial airline pilots,
air traffic controllers and NASA officials,
many with Top Secret clearances,
have been disclosing their personal experiences
and involvement in interacting with UFOs not from Earth
and, in some cases, their apparent extraterrestrial intelligent occupants;

c. A credible non-profit organization has received over ten thousand (10,000)
written reports of UFO sightings, primarily in the U.S.,
during just the period Nov. 2005 - April 2008.
The total number of reports nationally in 2008 was more than
twice the number from the previous year. There have been more than 1,000
written reports of Colorado UFO sightings submitted to the same organization
during the period of Jan. 2000 - April 2008;

d. Government denial, ridicule, and a lack of public awareness
about this credible evidence prevent the responsible evaluation of potential risks
and benefits for the safety, health, and cultural awareness
of Denver residents and visitors in relation to potential interactions
with extraterrestrial intelligent beings;

"6. At present our government does not have any protocols for:

a. Responsibly evaluating, documenting, and acting on citizen reports
of encounters or interactions with extraterrestrial intelligent beings,
regardless of the highly unusual and credible evidence that
may attend such encounters and interactions; or

b. Referring such reports to properly trained city personnel,
or private professional individuals or organizations
that have responsibly dealt with such matters
in a professional manner;

"7. There is enough credible evidence available,
independent of the United States government,
to responsibly and adequately inform
Denver residents and local government
about extraterrestrial affairs; and

"8. The creation of an Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission
will help to ensure the health, safety, and cultural awareness
of Denver residents and visitors and, ultimately, facilitate
the most harmonious, peaceful, mutually
respectful, and beneficial coexistence possible
between extraterrestrial intelligent beings and human beings.”

Russian Federation and Denver, Colorado: Disclosure 2010?

Will the 2010 Russian-Kalmyk Republic Duma exopolitical showdown and the 2010 Denver ET ballot initiative be the twin catalysts that lead to some sort of extraterrestrial “disclosure”, made official by the Russian President and the voters and City Council of Denver, Colorado?

Official Extraterrestrial disclosure by the Russian Federation
would be a truly historic event

In a world that is now watching its financial structure collapse, its oceans being destroyed, hierarchies lose authority, and money lose its value, one should not be too quick to dismiss the 2010 Russian-Kalmyk Republic Duma exopolitical showdown and the 2010 Denver ET ballot initiative as possible catalysts to extraterrestrial disclosure.

Certainly, the Russian Federation has everything to gain and nothing to lose by giving humanity the gift of official “disclosure” that extraterrestrial civilizations have visited the sitting President of the Kalmyk Republic, one of the constituent republics of the Russian Federation, and developing and issuing official guidelines and protocols for civic extraterrestrial contact.

The movement towards Extraterrestrial disclosure by democratic, grass roots participation also has a major event horizon in the 2010 Denver ET Ballot initiative, which envisions the establishment of a municipal commission on extraterrestrial affairs by electoral ballot sometime in August 2010.

Thus what many entities of the U.S. government have worked to diligently to avoid since 1947 – official acknowledgment of an extraterrestrial presence – has the potential of occurring under Denver, Colorado municipal law at the Denver city-wide election in August 2010.

As with the case of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, the potential depends of whether Denver, Colorado voters come together to approve the 2010 ET ballot initiative.

Denver, Colorado has adopted an initiative form of direct democracy for bringing issues to public ballot. Initiatives and referendums are a form of direct democracy, and a modality by which voters can force voters, or executive or legislative bodies to consider issues they would not otherwise consider. “The modern U.S. system of initiative and referendum originated in the state of South Dakota.

South Dakota adopted initiative and referendum in 1898 by a vote of 23,816 to 16,483. Oregon was the second state to adopt, and did so in 1902, when the state's legislators adopted it by an overwhelming majority. The "Oregon System", as it was at first known, subsequently spread to many other states, and became one of the signature reforms of the Progressive Era (1890s-1920s).”

The 2010 Denver ET ballot initiative and the 2010 Russian-Kalmyk Republic Duma exopolitical showdown remain the two 2010 exopolitical processes to watch, in the United States and the Russian Federation, if not planet Earth.

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