
Pyramidin muotoinen ufo kuvattu Moskovassa


The Japanese used water vapor to bounce their holograms off of. And on December 9, 2009, there was plenty of "meteor dust" in the northern latitudes over Norway and Russia to create a reflective surface for a potential holographic technology to bounce off of -- more than any other time of the year!

Thus, it is certainly possible that the tetrahedron-shaped triangular 'pyramid' over the Kremlin which appeared that very same day, when the dust in the northern latitudes was at an all-time peak for aerial phenomena to be produced -- was a similar holographic technology at work.

A tetrahedron is called a 'primitive' in computer graphics, because it is one of the simplest and easiest shapes to make there is. This might also explain why it looks somewhat fuzzy and indistinct in the two available videos from Russia -- it was a hologram!

Since the Norway Spiral was clearly manmade, it becomes much more likely that the Kremlin Pyramid was also manmade -- by simple logic. They are two visual aspects of the same overall plan, which both appeared the same day. And if that level of manifestation doesn't produce the desired result, we can expect that even more will happen later on.

Is this a wild leap in logic, or do we have any way to substantiate such speculation?

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